Oldies 103 DJ Hall Of Fame

Top Row: Paula Street, Austin Of Boston (Austin Davis), Brian Murphy, Mike Finegan,

2nd Row: Dave Faneuf (Morning News Anchor), Jay Gordon, Frank Kingston Smith, "The Famous" Jim Sands (James Samprakos)

3rd Row: John Potter, Michele "With 1 L" Hughes, Mike Addams, Norm Thibeault,

4th Row: Rob Pirraglia (Robby Bridges), Paul Perry, Rick Hunter, Sandy Benson,

5th Row: Joe Kelly (Original Voiceover), Little Walter DeVenne J.J. Wright, The Breakfast Club (June Knight, Erin Knyff, Dale Dorman, Mauzy Stafford, Jimmy DelPonte),

6th Row: Karen Blake, Barry Scott (the Lost 45's), Charlie Van Dyke (1990's Voice over), Joe McMillan

7th Row: Weekend Warriors (Jason Wright, Jim Sands, Tom St. John, Scott Roberts, Dan McCoy)

There were many more Oldies 103 DJ's that were on the air. If you are a former DJ or have any photos of former Oldies 103 DJ's, I'd love to add them!

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